AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

To Enter Design Information

The Design details relate to the original Design Loading and any modifications from strengthening programs for example, that have occurred since the asset's construction. the Original Design Load and the Design Load modification may both be used as the basis for the assets Effective Assessed Live Load limit.

When either of these values are entered or changed, the user must confirm that the Design or Remedial Load will be used as the Effective Assessed Live Load limit, (from the Action menu, and select Add, then Apply Design Standard.

  1. Open the asset for which you want to enter Design information.
  2. Select the Load tab, and locate the Design section.
  3. You can choose the original design loading value, by selecting the Orig Design Loading value from the list.
  4. You can accept the default original design date, or click the Orig Design Date calendar icon ( ) to set a new value.
    Note: The default date is equal to the asset's Constructed Date minus three years.
  5. You can choose the relevant original design standard value, by selecting the Orig Design Standard value from the list.
  6. You can choose the design loading value to follow a permanent remedial action or modification, by selecting the Remedial Design Loading value from the list.
    Note: Only display standards that existed at the time of the Original Design Date appear in the list.
  7. Accept the default Remedial Design Date, or click the calendar icon ( ) to enter a new value.
  8. You can choose the relevant original design standard value, by selecting the Remedial Design Standard value from the list.
    Note: Only display standards that existed at the time of the Remedial Design Date appear in the list.